Zoe Gath - Provisional Psychologist

CFIH Provisional Psychologist Zoe Gath

Zoe Gath is a provisional psychologist undertaking her final year of Masters training at the University of Queensland.

Zoe is currently completing her Master of Psychology, with a specific focus on counselling skills. At Centre for Integrative Health (CFIH), Zoe has experience in working with families and young adults who face challenges related to eating disorders and body image concerns.

Zoe has a specific interest in family therapy, eating disorders across the lifespan, and working in a way that promotes the message of Health at Every Size. Zoe’s approach stands out for its perspective on wellness and client strengths.

Zoe recognizes the fact that each client is the expert of their own lives and incorporates this understanding into how she interacts with clients. Zoe utilizes evidence-based treatment models, with training in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Family Based Therapy.

Clients value Zoe’s warm and compassionate approach. She creates a safe environment for clients to explore their emotions, beliefs, and behaviours. Zoe’s goal is to empower her clients to feel that they have the capacity to develop a healthier relationship with themselves and their eating.

"I am passionate about supporting individuals to overcome eating and/or body image concerns, so that they may become empowered to live their fullest lives. I believe that health comes in a range of shapes and sizes, and that mental health is the most vital tool an individual can have."