Liz Heather - Dietitian

CFIH Dietitian Liz Heather

Elisabeth Heather is an accredited practicing dietitian, an accredited sports dietitian and is a credentialled eating disorders dietitian with ANZAED. She has a Masters of Nutrition and Dietetics degree from Deakin University.

Her interests lie in working with individuals experiencing eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting and body image concerns. Guided by the principles of Health at Every Size (HAES)® and Intuitive Eating, Elisabeth uses the Non-Diet approach to help individuals overcome their troubled relationship with food in a way that is compassionate and curious.

Elisabeth enjoys unpacking with you the what, when, why, and how food became complicated, and most importantly, to facilitate finding a way forward on your recovery journey.

As an accredited Sports dietitian with Sports Dietitians Australia, Elisabeth enjoys working with athletes across all levels.  Cycling is particularly close to her heart as she and her family enjoy cycling, her oldest son competed at an elite level for many years in both road and track cycling, looking after his needs is what motivated specialist training in this area. She has worked with many junior athletes and understands the demands of training, school and life.

She enjoys consulting to a national road series cycling team. Elisabeth works with all athletes tailoring evidence-based nutrition and hydration strategies to meet the needs of these individual athletes so that they can live and perform at their best.