Exercise and eating disorders
In an interview with Hack on Triple J, CFIH Psychologist, Ashleigh Olive, proposed a number of red flags that can help to identify someone with or at risk of an eating disorder.
In an interview with Hack on Triple J, CFIH Psychologist, Ashleigh Olive, proposed a number of red flags that can help to identify someone with or at risk of an eating disorder.
The much-awaited changes to the Medicare scheme have finally been announced. However, not everybody will see themselves represented in the eligibility criteria for the scheme.
Get ready for 2019 with 31 great tips for your recovery journey; one for every day of January!
Check out Dietitian Kate Pollard’s top tips to include veg anytime in your day.
Dietitians Kate & Kate have rounded up the top 5 that get in the way of a healthy relationship with food.
Diet-culture loves numbers – we’re sold the idea that we can achieve tight and calculated control over food and our bodies through counting, tracking, weighing and measuring.
Office diet-talk can be relentless, triggering and difficult to avoid. If 8 hours of carb, keto and cleanse commentary is making you want to ride your wheelie chair down the fire escape, here’s a few ideas for you: Excuse yourself and walk away. After a few smoke-bomb moments they’ll start to get the picture you’re … Read More
Being surrounded by a diet-obsessed culture full of rights and wrongs, dos and don’ts, can make it hard to adjust to a totally new concept in which there is no “right way”. When developing the skills of an intuitive eater, one can become stuck in thinking that they can only eat when they are hungry, … Read More
I’ve recently returned to running after abandoning it for some time, with the goal of completing a marathon at the end of the year. During tonight’s run, I got to a point along the course where I would normally fatigue and slow down before stopping..
During a conversation with a client this week, it dawned on me how unhelpful mantras such as “failure is not an option” and “don’t quit now” can be as I listened to a client who lamented “I am never able to stick to anything”. She talked about walking away from jobs, never finishing books she … Read More
That’s right, you read the title correctly. CFIH Dietitians are here to let you in on (yet another) secret. Chocolate is NOT a “bad food.” A big problem in today’s society is the ‘all or nothing’ approach to food. This leads people to labelling themselves as “bad” if they eat what they have learnt is … Read More
Stop following people on social media who make you feel insecure, fat or ugly. It’s probably a very long list. In this age of filters and fakery, there are too many perfect people with perfect lives. Even Selena Gomez, said to be the most followed Instagrammer on the planet with 133 million followers, says “I … Read More