Referral & Monitoring Forms, & Practitioner Resources

At Centre for Integrative Health, we are grateful for the shared care and collaboration of external medical practitioners.

We understand that, without such input, outpatient treatment for individuals with an eating disorder would not be possible and that our inpatient facilities would be further exhausted.

Please find below resources such as clinical guidelines, medical monitoring forms and referral forms for doctors managing a patient with an eating disorder or weight concern.

Referral Forms

For General Practitioners to refer patients to CFIH for outpatient treatment for an eating disorder or weight concern by our team of psychologists, dietitians and nutritionists.

Monitoring Forms

For General Practitioners to complete when monitoring a patient recovering from an eating disorder or weight concern.

Eating Disorder Resources

Weight Concerns Resources

CFIH General Resources

Body Weight and Weighing

Understanding growth charts and weight targets

Understanding BMI and weight targets

To weight or not to weigh: if, when, and how to weigh during eating disorder recovery.

PDF (Powerpoint slides)