Movement With a Purpose (MWAP)

$55.00 Incl GST

Creating a new relationship with movement which supports, and not damages, your well-being.

A $50.00 deposit is required to indicate your interest, then payment will be required in two installments. Please see the Fees and rebates section below.

These amounts will be automatically debited to the credit card details you provide. Please note that there are no refunds for missed group sessions and/or for withdrawing from the group.

To register your interest in either MWAP, mid-week group movement classes, or a combination of the two, please submit payment  for your $50 deposit.



What is MWAP?

MWAP is a 10-week group course designed for participants who have a negative, avoidant or fear-driven relationship with movement.

The rolling 90-minute group classes, held on Saturday mornings, adopt a part-therapeutic- and part-movement-based approach, aimed at helping participants identify, challenge and alter their beliefs and behaviours around movement.

MWAP is designed to physically and emotionally support participants to engage in more regular movement opportunities at its’ cessation, whether at home or in the new weekly CFIH group classes.

MWAP aims to foster a safe, fun and accepting movement community, inspired by one of CFIH’s main values: “We are all in this together”.

Fees and rebates:

Each week’s session totals $50.00 (private health rebates may apply). The required 1:1 consults are $87.05 each (with a Chronic Disease Management Plan) (or $140 each, which may be rebatable on private health). In total, with a Chronic Disease Management Plan, the 10-week course amounts to $674.10, (which may be further decreased with private health rebates).

Alanah Dobinson, Accredited Exercise Physiologist and MWAP facilitator at Centre for Integrative Health, believes, “Every body is different and has the ability flourish. Too often, our minds and bodies are in battle in this area, and neither end up winning – it doesn’t have to be this way.”

#Fitspo or #Fun?

With the #fitspo epidemic now stronger than ever (pardon the pun), dangerous exercise beliefs and behaviours are manipulating individuals of all abilities toward the belief that “no pain, no gain”, is better, creating an unattainable, guilt-ridden and fear-based relationship with movement. Many people therefore completely abstain from movement for these reasons, as well as due to past negative experiences, which may be an unhealthy behaviour to maintain in itself.

What can you expect?

A supportive, hands-on group where you will join with many others experiencing similar difficulties in managing movement expectations. The facilitator will guide both open discussions regarding your relationship with movement, as well as medically-appropriate group movement classes designed to challenge your long-standing negative beliefs and behaviours around movement. At the completion of the 10-week course, participants can expect to have created an improved, sustainable and safe relationship with movement to carry on into their lives. CFIH is currently working to offer regular weekly movement classes to complement the course learnings, so participants may continue to stay connected to this positive community.

When and Where?

  • The first session will begin on the 21st of April 2018.
  • It will run for 10 consecutive Saturday mornings and subsequent courses will repeat every 10 weeks after this.

Sessions will be offered initially (both 8-9:30am, and 9.30-11am) on Saturday mornings, with a maximum of eight people accepted into each. Sessions will be held at the functional movement space below CFIH (28 Astor Terrace, Spring Hill).

1:1 sessions

Prior to attending the first group MWAP session, you will attend an initial 1:1 session with Alanah to review your medical status (bloods, vitals, medications, medical history), relationship with exercise, and barriers and goals to ensure these are documented and re-visited at the completion of MWAP, in a follow-up 1:1 consult at week 11.