CFIH Cancellation Policy

If you are unable to attend your appointment, we kindly ask that you provide 3 business days' notice prior to your appointment to avoid a cancellation fee.

When will a fee be charged?

  • Cancellation fees are charged based on the notice provided below.
  • Please note that these timeframes are business days which excludes weekends and public holidays.
  • Business day refers to between 9.30am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
  • Notification of cancellation provided after 5pm on any business day will be classified as being received the next business day.
  • Please note, Medicare does not cover cancelled appointment fees.
  • 3 business days or more before the appointment: No fee will be charged.
  • 2 business days before the appointment: $100 cancellation fee.
  • Same business day or business day before appointment: Cancellation fee will be full appointment fee.
  • A $100 non-refundable deposit is taken at the time of assessment appointment booking. Retention of the deposit is not affected by the timing of cancellation of this appointment.

Why is a cancellation policy in place?

Centre for Integrative Health values your treatment, as well as that of clients on the waiting list. A missed appointment is a loss to three people:

  • The client who is delaying their therapy progress;
  • Another client who has been sitting on the waiting list to see the practitioner urgently and who has not received enough notice to change their plans to attend;
  • The practitioner who spent the time preparing for the session.

When will a fee be waived?

  • If reception is notified via phone or email that you are unwell within two business days (48 hours) of missing your appointment, and a medical certificate can be supplied within two (2) days of your missed appointment;
  • If an extenuating circumstance or emergency has occurred.

Privacy Policy

Please take the time to read our privacy policy here.

When must the fee be settled?

  • Cancellation fees are payable within 48 hours of the cancelled appointment (this timeframe excludes weekends and public holidays).

How is the fee settled?

  • If CFIH has not heard from you via phone or email within 48 hours of your cancellation or non-attendance, we will settle the appropriate fee via Direct Debit using the card information you have provided on the Consent Form. This information will be securely stored in our Customer Management System.
  • Your card information will be used only for cancellation fees. Once a payment is made, we will email you a receipt of payment for your records.

How can I appeal the fee if I believe it is unfair?

  • You can address your appeal to the Practice Manager and send to We will respond to your appeal within one week.

What if I do not pay the due cancellation fee?

  • If no effort has been made to appeal the fee, or if the appeal has been rejected, unsettled fees will be forwarded onto debt collection.

If you have any questions or queries pertaining to this document or your treatment at CFIH, please ask reception or your practitioner. Thank you.